Outside the Pour House, a coffee shop in downtown Florence, Colorado, a bikepacker’s bike leaned against the railing. A large, peanut-shaped pack jutted out from underneath the saddle, likely carrying his clothes. Clip-on aero bars, two front lights, a GPS device, and camping gear balanced out of the front of the Trek bike. Along with two water bottles inside the frame, there was an additional bag which probably included cables, batteries, and other essential items.
Chris and I stared at the bike and the accouterments, curious about the person riding the bike. “They’re probably inside,” I said to Chris. I walked up to the counter and ordered a latte as Chris found the cyclist. I didn’t wait for the barista to hand me the drink before I made my way to the conversation.
Adam was traveling across the country on his bike, 4,199.2 miles. At first, I thought he was riding solo, for an adventure. Then I brought up Inspired to Ride and how it inspired me to do the Trans Am Race. Adam nodded, “Yeah, that’s what I’m doing.”
“No way!” I said.
Adam started telling us stories about his travels so far between bites of bagel and cream cheese and coffee. He talked to us like he hadn’t spoken to a friend in at least a few days, stopping only to take a breath. He told us he just crossed over a pass and he got to the point that he started crying from…