Member-only story
There is no way to make this story interesting
Peruse the work of one or more of these twitter bots, and use a line or two, or a phrase or even a word that stands out to you, as the seed for your own poem.
Lines from: “The Torn-Up Road,” Richard Siken
There is no way to make this story interesting.
It starts with an alarm at 5:00 AM,
pressing the snooze button
but never falling back asleep,
a tale of Hypnagogia,
between being awake and asleep,
sometimes there’s a 1-minute dream
and most times it’s a play
between time and thoughts
and which one will outlast the other.
I want to tell you this story without having to be in it.
The clocks don’t strike twenty-five
because they’re digital
and the sun arcs behind brick walls
and stray cats,
everything is happening outside
the stillness of the house,