i watched a squirrel
the other day,
climbing up the trunk of a tree
effortlessly -
& i wish i could do the same
i thought about what it’d be like
to be a squirrel
not having bills to pay,
personalities to deal with,
working 9–5
to not be able to afford
luxurious trips across the world,
but enough to pay the bills
and buy shit we don’t need
and i watched him scurry
along branches
not realizing he’s a squirrel
and not understanding the world
around him
and that his life seemed
so much more simpler
than mine
& i almost wished to be
that squirrel
who could give a shit
about how much he weighed
what he looked like in the mirror
if he had friends
or supporting family members
but i realized he’s trying to
survive -
just like the rest of us
and he’s more likely to die
than i was
and he doesn’t have the intelligence
to know any better.