Find an idiomatic phrase from a different language or culture, and use it as the jumping-off point for your poem.
Cine sapă groapa altuia, cade singur în ea (Romanian)
He who digs a pit for others will fall in it himself
he didn’t know how
to dig a deep pit,
only a shallow grave
lined with yellow roses
and weeds
he didn’t know how
to sew her shut
to tape her closed
but he kicked her in
and the fall was quick
the thud shook the weeds
that watched silently
he didn’t know how
to shovel dirt
so he left her bare
as the yellow roses screamed
while he admired his work
and tended to the weeds
he didn’t know how
to plant chrysanthemums
with claws
as he burrowed under
the giant hogweed into
the ground to bury himself.