Member-only story


Jessica McWhirt
1 min readApr 24, 2019

rhubarb/ (ˈruːbɑːb) /


US and Canadian slang a heated discussion or quarrel

the endless rhubarb with life -

we add salt & vinegar

to our wounds,

no bandages, no sugar

battering ourselves under the guise


“what doesn’t kill us

makes us stronger”

baking it into our minds

and caramelizing thoughts

As if we were some sort

Of baked good

That could easily be constructed

From a recipe -

But we’re more than a couple

Of lines

And a few of dashes of vanilla.

I’ve never had a rhubarb pie

But i’ve had plenty of rhubarbs

I’ve been told

On several occasions

That the world is not against me

And that it’s as kind

As i let it be

But i’ve always been a fighter -

I’m the butter that refuses

To soften to bake your pie;

I’m the brand new knife

That’ll slice your finger right off

If you put too much pressure down;

I’ll elbow you in the mouth

If you try to fight me;

I’m not

Sugarandspiceandeverythingnice -

I’m a saltshaker .



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