“Twenty Little Poetry Projects” Challenge by Jim Simmerman
Love is clean dishes drying in the sink
and a garbage disposal yodeling below stainless steel.
it’s watching a near-fatal collision
it tastes like the look you gave me
when you knew I was lying
it’s the warm body next to yours
in the dead of night
the murmur of snoring
and the smell of a blanket
that’s never been washed;
hearing thoughts
that look like frazzled ends of hair,
something Jonathan Van Ness
from Queer Eye wouldn’t comb.
he’d probably comb it.
Love is a stained toilet
and shouting “YASS” at
inappropriate times
because the wrong time
is always the right time
Man is the only animal that blushes -
or needs to
they say —
The breakable glass of love
are shards of kisses and hugs
as brittle as brick
Love changes color
and sings a different tune
Gigi was never a fan of Love
but she’d find it in a dirty gym
bumpy love and spin bikes,
Love is found when you don’t look for it
Níl aon leigheas ar an ngrá ach pósadh —
Love shuts the door to canvassers
and turns on the coffee maker.