Then the cyclist will ask for a paddle.
When you give the cyclist a paddle, she’ll ask for a life jacket.
When the cyclist jumps in the raft, she’ll ask for a helmet.
The cyclist will want to look at the rapids to see if she will survive.
When the cyclist looks at the rapids, the cyclist will see the waves tumbling over each other.
After the cyclist sees the waves tumbling over each other, she’ll dig her toes underneath the seat in front of her.
The cyclist might dig her entire right foot underneath the seat in front of her.
The cyclist then will want to dig her left foot in the seat behind her. You will have to hear the squeaky sounds as she anchors her foot.
The cyclist will overextend her hip flexor and yell at you to keep paddling.
She will paddle in sync with you and will want to keep paddling through the waves.
The cyclist will keep silent to hear the guide’s instructions.
When the cyclist hears “BACK ONE” she will bend backward and thrust forward with her paddle.
The cyclist will want to stay in the raft no matter what, so she’ll stick her foot in further.
The cyclist’s left hip will strain and she’ll keep paddling.
The cyclist will remember that she is scared and grab her life jacket.
With the life jacket strapped around her, she’ll remember to paddle.