Member-only story
How to stop caring about people’s thoughts about you
I’m competitive.
I’m assertive.
I swear.
I’m opinionated.
I’m vocal.
And a lot of people don’t like that. They don’t like me because of it. I know there are aspects of my personality I’m completely unaware of that turn people off.
And that’s their problem.
I can’t be everything to everyone and I’m okay with that.
If I was (which I’ve tried), then I wouldn’t know who I am. Still trying to figure it out, actually.
If you don’t relate to this, then you’re not trying hard enough. You aren’t authentic. You hide behind everyone else’s interests.
Stop doing it.
Granted, if you’re just an asshole then people are justified in not liking you. I’ve been there. I’ve been a jerk before. Most of us have. The biggest thing is realizing you’re being a dick and change.
Why is it a good thing for people to dislike you?
Because it means you stood up for something. Even if that was saying you like Sram over Shimano or you prefer to ride mountain than road.