I lost my head in the battle of impulses,
leaving my heart filled with pressure.
There’s a relentless war
between the feelings that force me forward,
and the thoughts that hold me back.
My desire, despair, despondency,
and disturbance have sunk beneath
my skin, gushing out of my pores,
like jelly from a fisted palm.
I stand on the line, waiting to be annihilated,
from the storm of bullets that
destroy my suit of armor –
my heart, unhinged, scares birds from trees –
stripping my body of the suit
as birds flutter and shout their warnings,
like a black wave –
I am but a molecule in the water
of the giant tide.
I charge — naked, leaving filth in my wake –
with my feet and heart
and courage and fervor,
head first with my arms raised –
all my scars of the battle
bared for my enemies to scrutinize –
my arms raised
never surrendering –
charging, charged, bare, and numb
into the line of fire.