Find a poem in a language that you don’t know, and perform a “homophonic translation” on it.
My homophonic translation:
Fade or teach and greet the toil
A scare on a coincidence,
tear and avail lines
Again, they did it
Neither owning a gun
See ’em chase no one
and squealing like goats.
The poem:
Seo linn ag iarraidh
féidirtheachtaí éigríochta an tsaoil
a scaradh ó
na cúinsí teoranta ab áil linn.
Ag an dé deiridh
n’fheadar aoinne againn
cioca é
an cháith nó
an gráinne
a scaoileadh le gaoth.
Translation on Poet’s International:
Here we go, trying
to separate
the infinite possibilities of life
from the limited circumstances
we prefer.
At the last breath
none of us know
whether it was
the chaff
or the grain
that flew off in the wind.